Terms of Service

As of January 15, 2025

These Motion Array Terms of Service (the “Terms of Service”) constitute a legally binding agreement by and between Artlist and its affiliates as set forth below as applicable, doing business as Motion Array (“Motion Array”) and you (“Licensee” or “You”), concerning the Motion Array Products (as such term is defined below).

1. Definitions

For purposes of these Terms of Service:

“Digital Media Files” are any images, animations, films, videos, or other audio/visual representations recorded in any computer-readable format or form that are obtained, directly or indirectly, from Motion Array and AI-generated assets such as voiceovers that can be downloaded from Motion Array's platform, according to the subscription plan Licensee chooses .

“Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean all rights of authorship, all copyrights (including rights in applications or registrations), all rights of attribution and integrity and other moral rights, all rights of inventorship, all rights in patents and patent applications, all trademark rights (including rights in applications or registrations), all rights in trade secret and proprietary information, and all other intellectual property rights of any type, whether registered or registerable or not in any country.

“Motion Array Products” means the Digital Media Files, the Services, and the Motion Array Software.

“Motion Array Software” means the software extensions of Third Party Software that are identified as “Plug-Ins” and available to Licensees by download by means of the web site maintained by Motion Array at  www.motionarray.com. the Motion Array Hub app manager software and any additional feature and/or software offered by Motion Array, as such Motion Array Software and/or feature may be modified and/or re-branded and/or canceled by Motion Array from time to time in its sole discretion.

“Purchase Price” means the purchase price, membership fee, or pricing structure Licensee selected or will select during Licensee’s enrollment process for use of the Motion Array Products.

“Services” means the file-sharing/website development service provided by Motion Array and known as Review, as such services may be modified and/or re-branded and/or canceled by Motion Array from time to time in its sole discretion.

“Third Party Software” means any software proprietary to a Third Party Software Provider, including the timeline-based video editing software application known as Adobe Premiere Pro that is proprietary to Adobe Inc.

“Third Party Software Provider” means any party other than Motion Array that provides its proprietary software to authorized users.

“Use” means to access, install, download, copy, distribute, modify, make use of, or otherwise benefit from using the functionality of any of the Motion Array Products.

2. Grant of License

a. For Licensees choosing a paid subscription (whether monthly or annually) to the Motion Array Products, subject to the terms and conditions herein stated and subject to payment by Licensee of the Purchase Price (and any applicable taxes), Motion Array hereby grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable royalty-free license to Use the Motion Array Products.

b. For Licensees choosing a free subscription, subject to the terms and conditions herein, Motion Array hereby grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable royalty-free license to the Digital Media Files that are designated by Motion Array as free files. The foregoing license shall not include access to the Services and/or the Motion Array Software.

c. The Digital Media Files and the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software may be incorporated into a derivative work such as a film feature, video, broadcast (except broadcasters), multimedia, advertisement (except out of home and billboard advertisements), live performance, websites, presentation, or up to 500,000 copies print project including marketing and/or promotional materials, and product packaging. Licensee may use the Motion Array Products on a server, image library, or network configuration to be viewed by Licensee.

In the event you are interested in obtaining a license to produce more than 500,000 printed copies or for out of home and billboard advertisements please reach out to  Motion Array.

d. Licensees can download up to 150 Motion Array Products per day. Downloading Motion Array Products by any automatic means, such as software, bots, etc., is prohibited. Any download or other use of any Motion Array Product shall be solely for specific and immediate use of such product by Licensee; warehousing, aggregation, and any other downloading for contingent future use is strictly prohibited.

e. All memberships are for single users only. Assets from Motion Array are licensed to the user with the paid subscription. Anything that Licensee produces using any of the Motion Array Products must be for the use of Licensee and its end-users only. Licensees that desire a multi-seat site license of up to 7 seats can get their subscription Team plan  here. If you want a subscription for a company with more than 50 employees or other situations which aren’t covered please see section 4 below.

f. If an agent or an employee of an employer executes these Terms of Service, the term “Licensee” shall include both the agent/employee and the employer jointly and severally. These Terms of Service are enforceable against You and any legal entity that obtains Digital Media Files or utilizes any of the Services and/or any of the Motion Array Software or on whose behalf they are used.

g. You hereby acknowledge and agree that your usage of the Motion Array Software is subject to the relevant end user license agreement of Motion Array, in addition to such usage being subject to these Terms of Service.

3. Scope of License Restrictions

Licensee hereby agrees that it will not under any circumstances:

a. Use, sell , license, reproduce, distribute, or display the Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software as templates, stand-alone backgrounds, stock elements, or effects imagery elements made available as downloadable files or included in any other clip media/stock product, library, collection, or set of clips for distribution or resale, or in a manner that permits Licensee’s end users to extract the Digital Media files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software as stand-alone files;

b. Rent, lease, lend, sell, or sublicense any of the Motion Array Products to another person, company, or other entity;

c. Include the Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software in products for resale (unless permitted under section 2.c.), including, but not limited to, merchandise products, mugs, t-shirts, posters, greeting cards, games, toys, fashion. In the event you are interested in obtaining a license for such purpose please reach out to  Motion Array.

d. Include the Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software in an electronic template intended to be used by third parties on electronic or printed products, where the purpose is to create multiple impressions, including: website templates, presentation templates, electronic greeting cards, business cards, or any other electronic or printed matter. In the event you are interested in obtaining a license for such purpose please reach out to our Sales Team.

e. Sublicense, sell, assign, convey, or transfer any of its rights under these Terms of Service except as specifically provided herein;

f. Incorporate the Digital Media Files or any work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software into a logo, trademark, or service mark;

g. Distribute, post, or upload the Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software online in a downloadable format or enable it/them to be distributed via mobile telephone or other electronic devices;

h. Post, upload, or transfer any Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software in any form on websites offering customization services (for example, Fiverr.com, YouTube.com, and Vimeo.com);

i. Use any Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software in an automated system, including online websites, other than in connection with the Services; or

j. Decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Digital Media Files or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software to a human readable form.

k. Use any Motion Array Products and/or assets and/or data and/or information and/or Motion Array site for purposes of machine learning and/or Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) training, and/or for creation of generative AI and any similar acts.

4. Business Licenses

If you work for a company with over 50 employees or which is part of a business group with over 50 employees, you want to use Motion Array Products in apps, software, games, or other situations which aren’t covered (see below), you need a dedicated business license.

a. A company, foundation or other legal entity with more than 50 employees or which is part of a business group with over 50 employees

b. Licensees who need multi-seat license for more than 20 users

c. Apps, software, games and their end-users

d. Broadcasters

e. Audiobooks, DVDs, Blu-ray

f. Out of home and billboard advertisements

g. If you want to use the Motion Array Products in a way that is not covered by this License

Reach out to our Sales Team  and we will set you up with the right license!

5. Manner of Use Restrictions

Licensee hereby agrees that it will not:

a. Use any of the Motion Array Products in a way that would defame, malign, slander, libel, or vilify any person or group of persons or any countries, races, customs, cultures, religions, or governments;

b. Use any Motion Array Product in connection with any pornographic materials or in any other manner that would be deleterious or damaging to the reputation of Motion Array;

c. Engage in screen scraping of the Motion Array Products or any similar automated process for the capture or conversion of electronic files; or

d. Use any of the Motion Array Products with a model and in a manner that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the model personally uses or endorses a product or service, or if the depiction of the model is used in connection with a subject that would be unflattering, embarrassing, or unduly controversial to a reasonable person, unless Licensee accompanies each such use with a conspicuous statement that indicates that the person is a model and the Digital Media Files and/or the work product of the Services and the Motion Array Software are being used for illustrative purposes only.

6. Reservation of Rights

Except as expressly granted herein, all right, title and interest to the Motion Array Products and any Intellectual Property Rights related thereto are retained by Motion Array, and all right, title and interest to the Third Party Software and any Intellectual Property Rights related thereto are retained by such Third Party Software Provider. The copyrights in all Motion Array Products are owned by Motion Array or its licensors, and the copyrights in all Third Party Software are owned by such Third Party Software Provider or its licensors, and in all cases are protected by applicable copyright laws, international treaty provisions and other applicable laws. Motion Array’s trademarks and service marks, including “Motion Array,” may not be used or associated with any of Licensee’s derivative products created from Digital Media Files or by means of the Services or the Motion Array Software without Motion Array’s written consent, which Motion Array may grant or deny in its sole discretion.

7. Allegations of Copyright Infringement

If You believe that any Digital Media File or the work product of the Services and/or the Motion Array Software infringes your copyright, You must communicate the following information to Motion Array in the manner specified below:

a. Identify the copyrighted work You believe has been infringed and the material that You allege is infringing the copyrighted work, being as specific as possible.

b. Explain what the affected user would need to do in order to remedy the infringement, being as specific as possible – whether the needed action is adding a statement of attribution, deleting specific elements of the file, or deleting the entire file.

c. Provide your contact information, including your email address, name, telephone number, and physical address.

d. Provide contact information for the alleged infringer, if known .  

e. Include the following statement: “I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I have taken fair use into consideration. I swear under penalty of perjury that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”

f. Include your physical or electronic signature.

Submit your complaint, preferably by email to  copyright@motionarray.com.

8. Licensee Representations and Warranties

a. Licensee hereby represents that its use of the Motion Array Products will comply at all times with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of any country, state, province, or other jurisdiction, including the export laws and regulations of the United States of America and of the State of Israel (the “Export Laws”).

b. Licensee hereby represents that it is not a citizen or otherwise located within an embargoed nation (including Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Crimea, Cuba, and North Korea) and that it is not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from using any of the Motion Array Products.

9. Third Party Software

a. Licensee hereby acknowledges and agrees that its usage of the Motion Array Software is subject to the applicable terms and conditions of usage and/or end user license provisions of the provider of the applicable Third Party Software, in addition to such usage being subject to these Terms of Service. Licensee further acknowledges and agrees that its usage of the Motion Array Software will comply in all aspects with such third party terms and conditions of usage and/or end user license provisions.

b. Motion Array hereby disclaims any warranty and/or liability with regard to the performance of any of the Third Party Software. In the event of any suit, claim, damages or liability relating to Licensee’s usage of the Third Party Software, Licensee’s sole remedy, if any, shall be with the Third Party Software Provider.

10. Subscription Billing

a. Use of Motion Array Products is provided to Licensee by subscription. Your subscription is effective for the period covered by your subscription fee (which is your Purchase Price  and applicable taxes) as disclosed in the enrollment process and continues upon your payment in advance of the renewal fee for the applicable period (i.e., monthly or annually).

b. Renewal fees for your subscription will automatically be charged at the then-current rate to the credit card or other billing source authorized by you at the start of each billing cycle, according to your subscription terms, and will only be refunded pursuant to our Refund Policy below. You will be automatically charged for additional similar periods, unless you notify us of your intention not to continue within 14 calendar days before the beginning of the next billing cycle. We may change our subscription plans and their prices from time to time (including due to applicable tax changes). In such a case, we will notify you in advance and such change will only apply to you by your coming billing cycle.

c. Should You choose to discontinue your subscription for any reason before expiration of the then-applicable subscription term for which you have paid, You may cancel your subscription and terminate further billing by logging in to your account and changing your settings under the “My Account” page. Access to previously downloaded files at MotionArray.com will be revoked upon downgrading your account to a free plan.

d. Motion Array is a membership site. All membership sales, for both monthly and annual membership plans, are final and no refunds or returns are given unless pursuant to our Refund Policy below. You can cancel your membership at any time with no additional fees. Membership cancelations are affected immediately with no further charges; however, membership access remains active until the end of the agreed term.

e. Payment methods and processing: Payments may be processed through third-party payment methods which Motion Array makes available. You must provide accurate billing information, and promptly update any changes to it (such as card numbers and address). If you are paying via credit or debit card, based on the billing address provided by you, payments shall be processed by the relevant Artlist entity, and applicable law shall apply to such processing.

f. Taxes: The tax treatment applied on each invoice will be based on the billing information provided by you, and you are solely responsible for the accuracy of such information. In particular, if you provide an invalid VAT/GST registration number, do not make your purchase as a business or provide an invalid address, Motion Array will treat the transaction as a business-to-customers (BtoC) transaction, where applicable taxes may apply, at the relevant rate according to the billing information you provided. If thereafter you correct such billing information, Motion Array reserves the right not to issue a credit note and a new invoice, and instead correct this on future invoices if applicable (subject to applicable tax changes).

11. Refund Policy

You will only be entitled to receive a refund for any fees paid to us if (1) you cancel your subscription within 14 calendar days from the date of its purchase and/or renewal (“Refund Period”) and (2) you did not download or generated any Motion Array Products during such Refund Period and/or used the Motion Array Software and/or exported a video you edited on the software. You hereby understand and agree that you will not be entitled to any refunds if: (i) you do not ask Motion Array for refund during the Refund Period; or (ii) you download any Motion Array Products from the website during the Refund Period.

For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 11 does not apply to free accounts, and therefore, if you are a subscriber with a free account, you will not be entitled to any refund

12. File Storage

The Services include file storage, with the maximum amount of file storage determined by the level of subscription chosen by Licensee as part of the enrollment process.

13. Termination

Motion Array reserves the right to block or terminate a Licensee’s access to the Motion Array Products without notice at any time if it determines in its sole discretion that a Licensee is violating any of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service. Motion Array also reserves the right for any reason or no reason to refuse to renew a subscription with or without prior notice.

14. Exclusion of Damages; Limitation of Liability


15. Indemnification

Licensee hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Motion Array and any Third Party Software Provider, their directors, officers, employees, and agents, and their assigns and successors-in-interest, from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, claims, demands, actions, causes of action, or costs (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of or resulting from: a) Licensee’s use of any of the Motion Array Products; b) breach of these Terms of Service by Licensee or its directors, officers, employees, contractors or agents or their permitted assigns or successors-in-interest (collectively the “Licensee Parties”; or c) any negligent or intentional act or omission by any of the Licensee Parties.

16. No Warranty; Transfer Limitations; Audit Rights

a. The Motion Array Products are being delivered to Licensee “AS IS.” Motion Array makes no warranty as to use or performance of the Motion Array Products or the Third Party Software, including quality of image or compatibility with any computer hardware or other equipment, operating system, or software program, and hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, whether by state, common law, custom, usage, or otherwise, including warranties regarding noninfringement of third party rights, merchantability, and fitness for any particular purpose.

b. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: i) its usage and ability to access the Motion Array Products may at times be limited ore restricted due to channel carrying capacity or data transfer speeds (sometimes referred to as bandwidth limitations) related to the technical capacities of Motion Array and/or third parties; and ii) Motion Array and such third parties are not liable in any manner for such limitations or restrictions.

c. Motion Array reserves the right to audit Licensee’s usage of the Motion Array Products from time to time in order to verify Licensee’s full compliance with these Terms of Service. Licensee agrees that upon notice from Motion Array it shall provide such information and records as is reasonably requested by Motion Array in connection with such audit or audits.

17. AI Services

a. Motion Array may utilize its and/or third party artificial intelligence technology ("AI") and/or tools and/or features (“AI Services”) designed to provide Licensee with tools to generate AI content, to provide and improve the services, support, user experience and information provided to Licensee. Motion Array reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate and/or discontinue the AI Services and/or remove and/or add new AI Services, at any time without notice to Licensee, at its sole discretion.

b. Some of Motion Array's AI Services allow Licensees to provide input (“Input”) and receive generated AI output (“Output”) based on that Input. Motion Array may utilize third-party AI Services to deliver these Outputs and permit them to use the Input, Output, and Licensee’s usage data for the provision of these services. It is hereby clarified that such AI Services are not intended to be used for the purpose of processing personal data. Licensee is responsible for any personal data it provides while interacting with the AI Services. If Licensee includes personal data in the Input, it will be responsible to ensure compliance with any applicable privacy and data protection laws. Motion Array shall have no liability in relation to any personal data provided by Licensee to the AI Services or its processing. Licensee is solely responsible for the Input and Output, including ensuring that it does not violate any law, Motion Array Terms, or any other applicable third-party terms and policies as detailed, inter-alia, under section 9 above. Licensee represents that it has all the rights, authorizations, permissions and licenses needed to provide Input and generate Output using Motion Array AI Services.

c. Given the nature of AI technology, Motion Array cannot guarantee and does not warrant to Licensee as to the accuracy or reliability of the Outputs or results generated by the AI Services. The Output provided may not be unique to Licensee, and different customers may receive Output that is identical or similar to others.

d. AI Services may produce offensive, inaccurate or partial Output. Such Output does not represent Motion Array or its views. The use of Outputs is on Licensee sole discretion and Motion Array is not responsible for any such Output. Licensee should review the Outputs before using or relying on them in any manner.

e. Motion Array shall not be liable for (1) any alleged infringement of third party IP rights related to Licensee use of the AI Services, (2) any errors, biases, inconsistencies or unintended consequences that may be present in the Output, (3) any decisions, actions, or consequences related to Licensee use of the AI Services.

f. Any reference and/or mention of third-party product or services in an Output does not indicate and/or implies that said third-party endorses or is affiliated with Motion Array.

g. For some of our AI Services, we grant Licensee a quota of credits/points/characters, which it can review in Licensee Account page, to use in order to generate AI outputs. Credits are deducted from Licensee quota when it generate an asset, even if it does not download the asset in the end. Credits/points/characters do not grant Licensee any property rights, are non-transferable, not refundable and cannot be exchanged for money or monetary value. Licensee cannot and is prohibited from selling and/or transferring and/or gifting and/or endowing the credits/points/characters allotted to it to another person. The credits/points/characters can only be used in connection with and as part of the specific AI Service in which they are granted to Licensee.

h. Motion Array’s API client might use Open AI API Services. Licensee hereby certify that it has read and agree to Open AI Terms of Use and Privacy Policy .

i. Use of Motion Array’s AI Services, including generative tools such as its Voiceover Generator, requires responsibility and accountability. Licensee hereby agrees that it will not under any circumstances: (i) use our AI Services or generate assets with the purpose of misleading, misinforming, misrepresenting or infringing on third party rights; (ii) generate assets with the intention to spread election misinformation such as disinformation campaigns, candidate misrepresentation, etc; (iii) use our AI Services to generate deep fakes, meaning the production of Assets or Projects intended to falsely appear as authentic, or to resemble or impersonate the identity or likeness of another person (living or dead), entity, object, event, or place. This includes deceptive or misleading voice clones; (iv) Similarly, use or generate any asset relating to any person or entity that might legally or materially be impacted by it; (v) It can also be considered misleading or misrepresenting to generate Assets which facilitate or perform automated decisions in domains that affect an individual’s rights, safety, or well-being (such as in the domains of finance, legal, healthcare, insurance, migration, credit, employment, social welfare, and housing); (vi) This all means that Licensee need to present its generated assets and AI outputs truthfully. In addition, you cannot use an AI-generated asset in any manner that misleads others to think that it was created by a human.

18. Governing Law; Jurisdiction

These Terms of Service shall be interpreted, enforced, and governed by the laws of the State of Israel, without regard to the choice of law rules of any country, state, province, or other jurisdiction. All disputes relating to or regarding these Terms of Service or termination thereof shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, and Licensee irrevocably consents to such personal jurisdiction and waives all objections thereto.

19. Attorney’s Fees

In the event that Motion Array institutes any suit against Licensee for any violation of or to enforce these Terms of Service, including collection of any fees due hereunder, or should Motion Array intervene in any suit to enforce or protect its interest or rights hereunder, Motion Array shall be entitled to all of its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable fees of its attorneys, if and to the extent permitted by law.

20. Binding Nature; Assignment

These Terms of Service constitute a binding agreement between Motion Array and Licensee, and shall bind the parties and their permitted heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assignees. These Terms of Service are personal to Licensee and may not be assigned or transferred by Licensee, whether by consent of Licensee or by operation of law. Motion Array may assign these Terms of Service in its sole discretion, including but not limited to in connection with the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of its assets or equity interests, whether by sale, merger, or otherwise.

The entity with which you are contracting under this Agreement depends on where you are domiciled. Unless otherwise indicated: (i) if you are domiciled in the United Kingdom or in a European Union member states under the Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax (as updated from time to time) then you are contracting with Artlist UK Limited located at Suite 4 St Giles House, 27 St Giles Street, Norwich, Norfolk, UK, NR2 1JN; (ii) if you are domiciled in any country other than the countries mentioned in (i) above then you are contracting with Artlist Ltd located at Kibbutz Afikim 1, Afikim, 1514800 IS.

21. Miscellaneous

a. Amendments. Motion Array reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service from time to time and at any time at its sole discretion; such amendments shall be effective upon the earlier of: i) Motion Array providing notice to Licensee; and ii) the publication by Motion Array of the amended Terms of Service on the Motion Array web site.

b. Severability. If any term or provision of these Terms of Service, or any portion thereof, or the application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances, shall, to any extent, be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder of these Terms of Service, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is so judicially held to be invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of these Terms of Service shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

c. No Waiver. The failure of Motion Array to seek redress for violation of or to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant or condition of these Terms of Service shall not prevent a subsequent act, which would have originally constituted a violation, from having the effect of an original violation.

d. Notices. Written notices hereunder given by Motion Array to Licensee may be delivered via email to the email address associated with the Licensor’s account in Motion Array’s records or in a hardcopy writing to Licensor’s contact address maintained in its account with Motion Array and deposited in the mail, certified with return receipt requested, and such notices shall be deemed delivered immediately in the case of email or within three (3) days if deposited in the mail with adequate postage.

e. Relationship of the Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and these Terms of Service do not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary, or employment relationship between the parties.

f. Entire Agreement. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between Licensee and Motion Array regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede all previous or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, discussions, or representations regarding the subject matter hereof, whether oral or in writing.

g. Construction. The headings contained in these Terms of Service are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation hereof. Whenever the words “include,” “includes,” or “including” are used in these Terms of Service, they shall be deemed to be followed by the words, “without limitation.” All references to sections shall refer to sections of these Terms of Service unless otherwise indicated.